Friday, December 7, 2007

December 7....cold and cloudy...

Yesterday I went for a walk on the Gallopping Goose trail which is a reclaimed railbed/bike trail that goes from Victoria to Leechtown north of Sooke. There are different parts that you can easily join up on and do portions of the trail. The peice I was on borders a gravel pit on one side and an old farm with horses on the other. I spotted a Vireo nest up in a maple tree and tokk it down for closer you can see in the photo it is lined with horse tail/mane hair which I thought was pretty cool...I could just imagine that little bird flying back and forth to the farm to find those treasured hairs for the lining of its was a cold clear day and I love it in the winter when you spot a nest just feet above where you've walked all summer but it was camoflauged by the greenery.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

December comes in with a bang...

Well it's the beginning of December and we all know what that means...time for chocolate! My friend Irma had a small open house/studio tour on the weekend but unfortunately our wild weather kept allot of people indoors, and rightly so...sold a few of the little birds and had lots of good feedback. I do miss doing the craft shows on the social side but not playing the waiting game and watching the clock. I think people out there are starting to think twice about what and how they are buying what with all the problems with imported goods. A few friends and I went up yo a big country market in Coombs and they had all these cheap wooden kids toys but we were all a little leary about buying anything....