Friday, December 31, 2010

Song for Friday...Start anew...

A new day
A new year
All the best of love, health, happiness and peace to you all...

Monday, December 27, 2010


One big deep breath......
Aahhhh...there you go...
It's quiet around here today after three days of much cheer and laughter.
The leftovers have been stuffed into the fridge...
feet have been put up...
candles lit and relit...
games played...
...and watched...
much music played...
corny movies abound on the telly...
and enough sweets to sink a ship have been nibbled...
So the sparkly dust will begin to settle, the egg nog will run out and once again we've made it through another festive season.
Every year it's something a bit different to look forward to. 
This year my daughter came home from Toronto for Christmas which was probably all I really could have asked for. With her she brought a lovely new beau.
But not only was I given the gift of her visit but also one of my older brother from the mainland who came to stay for a few days.
My folks came out for Christmas brunch....another delightful present.
The seasonal festivities will continue with us paying visits to others I love, and only see a handful of times a year. Spread it out, is what we say around here.
Winter birthdays will be part of the celebration and it will seem like the holidays go on until Valentines day.
But for today, everyone has gone out and I am left with the fire warming myself, the dog and cat...
Tea, with a new book, rain dripping on the soil here, birds at the feeder...
And always at this time of year...the lights...