Friday, April 22, 2011


This is Samuel.
A large part of his diet is the salmon from the creeks, rivers and oceans of this planet.
Loss of habitat could eventually eliminate him from the food chain.
With one piece gone, everything else is out of balance.
This Saturday is the 5th annual SOS Festival in Shirley, just west of Sooke.
Come out to help save sensitive eco-systems like Muir Creek which is under threat from logging and development.
Music, food, workshops, vendors and fun for all...
Samuel has been donated to the silent auction..

For more info have a look here...

Song for Friday...for an old friend...

The past 3 days, I was up on one of the Gulf Islands for a long overdo visit
to an old friends place.
It was a real spur of the moment kind of trip and a rare one at that because Tom was able 
to come along as well...
I have much to report on her beautiful house and garden as well as
a few added side trips along the way.
Anyway, my friend has a new favorite cd she's been playing...
Johnny Reid is a Scottish lad, living in Canada, married to a french girl and winning all kinds of awards
for his amazing voice and uplifting songs in the Country music genre.
Enjoy and have a great weekend all!
Happy Earth something good for the planet.

Monday, April 18, 2011


This was the moon last night.
It's been SO bright the last few full moons and when I get up in the middle of the night,
I look out through the curtains and can barely even look at it!
There is silvery light everywhere and shadows abound as if the sun was out.
The weather has finally cleared up and although it's still chilly,
I took the opportunity to hang the laundry out...
One of my favorite things in the world is the smell of laundry off the line.
It's as if you've captured some of the sun's energy and can take it with you to bed.
All of the birdsong, the buzzing bees, the blooming flowers;
it's all there with you in your dreams.
The other chore I've been meaning to do is to pick stinging nettles.
Fresh and dried, these are one of the most nutritious wild foods you can eat, drink or wash your hair with!
Don't forget your gloves and long sleeves though!
If you've ever brushed against this plant you'll know what I'm talking about!
If you've never been stung by a nettle....well let's just don't want to find out!
As long as they're cooked or dried, you'll be fine.
Use it like spinach, or drink it as a tea.
It is high in iron, good for allergies, a great spring tonic all around.
I'm making a quiche with it for dinner.
But before I collect the nettles, I better get Ruben out of my basket...
The chickens are happy to be out in the sunny fields as well...
Isn't he handsome?!
I went to have a look at the beehives and they're busy as well.
 As soon as it warms up a bit, they're all over the place, looking for food and water.
The hives are being cleaned out and getting ready for the new bees being born...