Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Breaking yet more dishes...

All this week during the Sooke Fine Arts Show , my friend
and mosaic artist extraordinaire Norene Schmuck, is volunteering her time, talent, efforts 
and pounds upon pounds of broken dishes, to create a community based art project.
It will soon grace the front of the public restrooms in Ed McGregor park in Sooke.
A HUGE improvement over the ugly, cement walls which stand there now.
There are even pieces of crockery found on the beach below the park, included in the design.
It is two large panels which depicts people playing music and painting in the park.
People are stopping by from near and far to contribute...
Here's local Hardware guy, Bob, adding his piece...
And from Redding, Northern California, we have Vicki...
She's a real life firefighter on a well deserved holiday celebrating
a significant birthday...
Let's just say her trip is 50 days long...
Local yoga teacher Elise, her kids and mom Sylvia 
got in on the action as well...
My niece Stephanie, is helping with a ladies orange and yellow dress...
 All week long people of all sorts are coming by, admiring and getting giddy
with the fact they they will be a part of this gorgeous piece of public art.
It's part of the 25th anniversary of the art show.
(by the way, that's the work of my boss Karen and co-worker Claire...floral design Queens!)
So if you're in the area, come on down, have a look at some truly FINE art
and break a dish or two while you're there!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Patience, my dears....

I think there's a rule for some actors and professional photographers
that says...
"Never work with children or animals".
I think the phrase was coined by W.C Fields back in the day.
So when it came time to get a photo of all the cousins,(except my daughter Aja who's in Toronto),
youngest to oldest...
Well, lets just say, I can understand why...
...take 1...remove tiny spider from head of nephew...alerted by nieces.
...take two...the aunt tries to line up the youngest, who isn't the least bit interested in height restrictions...
...take three...just about there except..."can someone move that big black furry thing from in front?!"
...take four..."That looks great kids! Everybody say CHEESE!"
"Alright!! Okay, everyone take 5..relax and play around until the next shoot."