Friday, November 11, 2011

Song for Friday...Remembrance Day

They shall grow not old,
as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them,
nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun
and in the morning
  We will remember them.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Back to our roots...

Today there's a feeling of adventure in the studio.
We have had our finishing touches felted and now we are off on a field trip!
From whence we came!
Down the abandoned road...
...and into the woods!
We have many activities on the agenda.
First, a conference...
...a meeting of new, like minded ideas will be discussed...
'Putting our heads together', so to speak.
These toadstools provide us with important information, imprinted into their flesh...
We absorb the lost stories of our kin and take it with us deep in our hearts and minds...
Down through the shady forest, we contemplate where the big people have walked...
Look around to see where the woodcutters have left their mark.
So far this place is still quiet and very much intact.
A small trail leads us to where the mighty bear and svelte deer nose their way
through the trees...
...and then amongst the moss and silence we sit.
Our hearts are awash with emotions.
These sights and sounds will be carried with us,
within us, on our journey, where ever it may be.
And each one of us will whisper the stories of the woods to the field mouse,
the house cat, the sparrow and the mole and remember these days
of our beginnings...

(come visit us in Kerry's etsy shop!)