Thursday, May 3, 2012

Song for Friday...lovely

(*NOTE: i've had a few comments where people can't view the music
video...The song is called "Mission Bells" by Armistice so I do
hope you can find it for view where you are.
Apparently it's only available in Canada...just like Red Rose tea! PITY!
Good Luck.*)
When my daughter was here in January, she put
a bunch of music in my library.
I love hearing random songs that I don't know and wonder
"who's this?"
One of my new favorite songs is this one from a band
called Armistice. They come from Montreal and
this song is really sweet...
Have a great weekend all.
Happy May!
(Thanks Aja)
thanks to Rebecca from Brooklyn who found this link for anyone not being able to veiw the 1st link!

boars bristles by the beach...

Last summer I took a little walk down this road with Griffin and Norene...
Sadly, the pictures and story I was going to tell were filed away into the
abyss of my computer.
Gladly,  I am able to resurrect these in connection with an art
show and sale this weekend!
At the end of a quiet little road by the ocean is
the most wonderful little studio where Bonnie Coulter lives and works and CREATES!
Come on in...
Have a peek inside...
Look at these lovely works of art...
Inspired by the ocean right outside her door...
Magic transformed onto canvas from the woods surrounding her house...
Loved ones become things of beauty by the inspiring brush hand of Bonnie...
Not only is Bonnie creative in the studio, but her property has you 'oooing'
and 'aahhing' all the way down to the seashore...
You might guess that she's a Master Gardener as well!
Or you may think that Dr Seuss had a hand in here somehow!
Whatever the inspiration is, be sure to drop on by for a truly wonderful show.
She has partnered with fellow East Sookeite, Val, who I've
introduced to you before at The Wren House , along with
several other artists displaying and selling their beautiful work.
If you'd like to find out more you can check out The East Sooke Fine Arts website.
...and now, back down to the beach...

Monday, April 30, 2012

Brand new 11...

Last week one of my nieces, Hannah, turned 11.
So on our beautiful spring Sunday, after viewing pink lilies,
I took her out to St Mary's church in Metchosin to see the white lilies.
I have brought this place to blog land before and at this time of year
it's a  temptation much too hard to resist and I must show you all again...
In amongst the sleeping souls, the carpet goes on and on...
We took time to read about the ones who've gone on and talked about 'Aunt Tracy' and
how much she would love it here...
When I can, I like to spend one on one time with my nieces and nephews.
It's quite the production to have them all together and this way I can
find out what they're up to and how their lives are getting on.
We went inside the little church to have a look at a fibre arts show and
to marvel at the beauty inside...
I love sun coming through leaded glass windows!
Another wander around the lilies and then off for lunch...
I love that even though Hannah is 'getting older', she still wants to run around like a 'little kid'.
This precious time between dolls and boys.
I gave her a little box of questions for slumber parties with ones like
"who's your celebrity crush" and
"if you had one wish for the world, what would it be?"
It was a lot of fun and we learned a few things about each other while we ate our calzones.
Next it was on to another tiny present...
These little fairy slippers are sold in our shop but you can
also find them on Etsy.
Nell makes these all by hand and they are PRECIOUS!!
I figured she has plenty of time for 'grown-up' stuff and the longer she can enjoy the
magical world of pink and sparkles...all the better.
Next we wandered down to Lazy Goat Land, a little petting farm behind the cafe...
They too are were enjoying the balmy spring day, looking froward to summer naps...
And what could be better to round off the day than ice cream
and a drive through the gorgeous Metchosin country side...
So life begins for a brand new 11 year old.