Thursday, May 17, 2012

Song for Friday...feel good...

We've had some beautiful, summery weather which put me in mind of some
beautiful, summery music.
Michael Franti never dissapoints in this department.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Industrious and dangeruos...

I've been down  with a wicked sinus infection.
I'm sure as soon as I walked in the door of my nieces and nephews house,
the virus bugs rubbed their evil little hands together and declared me 'fresh meat'.
The other drag of this is that the weather has been absolutely gorgeous.
In fact I am sitting on the porch with my tea as I write, looking out at all of
the new growth, green and vibrant, watching and listening to the birdsong.
Yesterday morning I managed to pull my sorry butt out to the garden to
have a look at all of the weeds coming up.
Every time I bent over my head just about exploded so I decided
to clean out the little greenhouse a bit.
That's when I noticed it.
An industrious hornet working on the beginnings of it's nest.
Look at those amazing markings!
Normally, if this was going on away from a place where I don't walk in and out of, I wouldn't mind.
In fact I would welcome the opportunity to witness this marvel of architecture...
The amount of work which goes into making a nest of any kind is huge.
Chewing off bits of woods, munching it up into pulp and then constructing near
perfect chambers for which to provide home to your offspring.
Without thumbs or tools!
Unfortunately this one will have to go and find a different spot.
Hornets can be aggressive and my greenhouse is very small.
Hopefully it will find a new spot to build.
Then I went over to my deck in the garden where I have a large bell hanging and I
heard muffled buzzing inside.
A yellow jacket wasp flew out and instantly I knew what was going on here.
Up inside the bell is a tennis ball sized nest being built...
This tenant is not very welcome here either.
A yellow jacket nest can house hundreds of wasps and this being one
of the principal places I spend time in the summer, well you get the picture.
I think I will wait until the evening and put a bag around the whole thing and move
it somewhere where I can watch it's progress from a distance.
Some industrious creatures I do welcome as close to the house as possible.
On the way back into the house, I heard the stressful call of a mother robin.
I knew that the enemy must be close by...I had a look around and discovered
him safely napping in the house...
So back out I went by the laurel bushes to have a peek...
Well hidden beneath the boughs, in the shade I spotted them...

So well hidden it was hard to get a picture but here's a few snippets of the new babies,
probably only a week old.
 Mama bird was not far away keeping watch before
she flew in with lunch...
Keeping watch for the many dangers.
...and I thought babysitting for a week was work!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers many ways...

Today I want to wish all of you a Happy Mothers Day.
Not only to mothers of children born but to women who nurture
and sisters who are there for others.
To daughters who care and even to fathers who now have to be a mother as well...