Saturday, November 17, 2012

They're back!

Every winter now for about 4 years we've had a pair of
Anna's hummingbirds come to the feeder...
This is a labour of love keeping these little things going through
our harshest months. Last year during a cold snap in January, the
female disappeared and I think she froze to death.
I'm glad the male found a new mate...if it's indeed the same male...
When the Rufus hummingbirds come back in the spring, they chase these
guys away. I'm not sure where they go but they must find
an alternate food source because they always come back
after the Rufus' leave...
Another odd thing is that even within it's own kind, the male
Anna's is always chasing the female off. Maybe he wants to see how tough
she is. So today was something to see them BOTH feeding at the same time...
So stay warm little birds and I'll keep your sugar water full and thawed 
as long as you need it... 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Song for Friday...the woolens

Old friends are visiting and we've been to the wool shop in the city.
Ideas have brewed along with pots of tea.
We've been speaking of felting, cold weather, reindeer and the Sami people.
So yesterday it was out to the studio to begin on our projects
that were slowly hatching...
More on this day later, but for now I leave with with some music we've
been listening to.
A group from Finland with strange Celtic whispers in their songs.
Have a great weekend all!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

It's a small world after all...

The other day I took Griffin for a walk down on part of the Galloping Goose trail
that is rich with moss and lichen and arbutus trees.
I was so taken by the many shades, textures and colours and I decided
to gently bring home some tiny bits of this vast world
to create my own miniature landscape...
 I used this old, thick glass fish bowl that I bought in a thrift store in Seattle years ago.
Put some various shapes and sizes of rocks in the bottom for drainage.
 I needle felted a few tiny sheep to settle in amongst the minuscule hills and fallen trees...
The variations of greens takes me back to my days in Ireland...
'Tell me what you pay attention to and I'll tell you who you are'
Jose Ortega y Gasset
So much in this world is walked over and missed.
When Dr Seuss wrote 'Horton hears a Hoo' I knew exactly what he was thinking.