Thursday, May 1, 2014

Soap crush...

 Have you ever been in love?
(I mean with something, not someone)
Oh, sure, there's that great old '48 Ford pickup truck and dream houses and far away destinations
but I'm talking about life's simple, essential food and wine
and for us gals (and probably some dudes) yummy smelling body products!
 This is my latest crush...
 ...rose geranium hibiscus soap...
 ...smooth, bubbly, luscious, heavenly scented and all natural!
Guess what?
 It's made about 15 minutes from here in lovely Jordan River, Vancouver Island, B.C. small batches to assure quality and freshness...
...beautiful, apothecary's style packaging...simple and classic.
Soap makers extraordinaire, Jordan River Soapworks, has perfected the art of making the most
lovely products....this sample of their black licorice soap almost
made me want to take a bite out of it!...
And it's not only myself who loves the stuff but anyone I've talked to,
including those with skin sensitivities who's used their product
has testified to how much they love it.
In fact Jordan River Soapworks products was inspired by the owners own skin sensitivities.
Not only are the soaps lush-a-licious but their line of other products
including body butter, lip balm, shaving soap, bath soaks and the most 
scrumptious gift sets are available. 
(think Mothers Day AND Fathers Day coming up!!!!)
You can shop online here or if 
you live in or near Sooke you can find their products
at Inspire...6711 Eustace Rd...right beside Stick in the coffee in town!
Buying local? Buying organic? Buying cruelty free?
It's a good thing!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

a wee wander...

There's nothing quite like a wander around a garden in the spring, after the rain...
 ...the promise of a new season beckons...
 ...minuscule fields of forget-me-not rise above the soil
 ...a surprise from plants put in late last summer and forgotten about until just now
 ...little clouds of veronica and violets float through the carpets of wooley thyme...
 ...the graphic detail deep in the heart of a hosta...stunning!
 ...fern fiddleheads open like the hands of a dancer...
 ...the lovely nodding head of a native bleeding heart
 ...the evergreen clematis awake after the long winter...
 ...a forest of chives just about ready to burst... of my most favorite plants after the rain, ladies mantel...
 ...the leaves seem impervious to water so it sits like a little, magical magnifying glass...
 ...a perfect bug watering hole!
 ...hardy succulents come alive again with the warmth...
 ...and of course the honeybees, ever present looking for early pollen
 ...the darling buds of May!
 ...fluttering bluebells welcome me at the gate
 ...coltsfoot flowers appear before the leaves
...and last but not least...the whiskers of a handsome iris bid you adeiu!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Recipe for bees....

 Take 60 prepped beach rocks painted gold and yellow... least 120 eyes...
 ...for sure, 120 wings made from plastic netting...
 ...commence with the first kids garden club of the year...
 ...add many busy hands, black markers...
 ...creative minds...
 ...lots of enthusiasm!...
 And presto!!!  Bees!!
 All shapes...
 ...all sizes...
 ...curious ones...
 ...smiley ones for sure!...
 ...ready for buzzing...
 ...pollen collecting...
 ...honey making bees. All made with love!
Way to go kids!!