Friday, December 30, 2016

Just about there....

It is a clear, cold and frosty morning here on the West Coast.
I am up and out in my robe and slippers marveled by who's
hands have come in the night.
 They have swirled and twirled with the moist air and magically 
left crystal strokes of feathery designs everywhere!
Gingerly I make my way across a VERY slippery back deck to
find the rails sparkling with the new dawn...
So many stories could accompany this blog title!
But I'll begin with just a few...starting with
The New Year.
What will be waiting at the end of that road, 
the one we have so much hope and anticipation about in these
fading days of 2016?
Like this beautiful morning, I start new and clear...
Things will change slowly right along those which come quickly, 
leaving us to once again to adjust, accept and roll alongside life whatever it may bring.
I am not one for resolutions but it's natural to feel the closure of one year and the start of the next.
In our parts spring comes early and we begin to see signs of it already.
The earliest of the flower bulbs have already begun to sprout
through the moss at the bottom of the oak trees.
This coming month will see two VERY big changes in our lives.
One will be Tom's new knee!
It will be a bit more complicated than your average run of the mill knee replacement
(he blew out his whole knee in a motorcycle accident when he was 16)
 and recovery will be tough and long but
we hold big hopes that it will ease some of the difficulty he's
had for the past several years.
Maybe by summer he will be able to come for walks again
in the fields near our house. 
The second big change I will keep a secret for a few more weeks!
Lets just say that new knee will come in handy!!
I hope you all had a lovely holiday season and here's
wishing you beautiful, peaceful, healthy blessings for the coming year.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

The world needs a few dreamers...

There are those of us who contemplate big ideas...
...ideas of peace and kindness...
...of the simple things in life that could make this world a better place...
...the stars, the clouds...
...the basic elements of love and joy...
The world needs those who share these thoughts...

'Some may say I'm a dreamer'

now in my Etsy shop here

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Supporting the world of artisans and the handmade....

As an artisan I take great care and time to make each and every piece no matter how big or small it is.
I believe a part of my personal identity goes into that piece and stays within in it where ever it may end up. 
When someone falls in love with that piece or buys it for someone they know will love it, I am honoured to be a part of that emotion. 
A thing made by hand is just that...made by someone, one persons own hands and if you know it or not it is a connection to that artisans creative soul.
Sure, you see the finished piece, but I urge you to look a bit deeper into handmade, be it a painting, a sculpture, fibre arts, jewlery, ceramics, whatever.
That 'thing' has been enticed from deep within. From thought to design to the actual process of making, which in most cases takes hours, days and sometimes months to finish.
Search out these lovely things from small galleries, shops and shows and remember a few of these thoughts when you're out and about.

I am offering free shipping worldwide in my shop from now until the end of December!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

'In Training'...

Apple Harvesting 101: 
To find the best apples in late September, take a wander down to the old Lawson place. 
At the far end of the field there's an old weathered, silver wooden barn, half falling down.

Behind that there are 3 ancient trees.
The one at the edge of the rock wall on the west side is the one you want.
At this time of year they are sweet and crisp and fall gently from the leaning tree.
5 generations of raccoons can't be wrong.
'In Training'

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Cornelius takes Josephine for an afternoon skate...

Cornelius and Josephine's story...
There is nothing quite as peaceful than a river on the edge of a farm. 
Add a quiet yellow sky in the late afternoon in winter and there you have it…

Cornelius’ favourite time to go for a skate!
This alone would keep him happy for the rest of his days but if he has the accepted invitation of Josephine in his corner, then THAT my friends, is true bliss!

Pulling on his woollen winter coat, wrapping a scarf around his neck, Cornelius pops the little red Josephine into his hood and off they go!
The frozen water meanders amongst the trees and the sound of a tiny flock of pine siskin flutter by…”bird wedding!” Josephine calls out. Something her mom always said when little groups of birds flew overhead.
It is these times that Cornelius and Josephine love the best.
The scrape of the blades carving patterns on the fresh ice, the sky on the edge of evening, the promise of snow during the night…and then home to mugs of tea and a fire...what could be more perfect.

Cornelius and in my Etsy shop here

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Hilda's story...

Hilda's story...
It had been a long time since I last saw Hilda.
Almost blind now, I found her in the garden of the old Hares home. 
As always, she was full of giggles and lead me over to a favourite bench by the lavender bed.
“you know I love summertime” she said as we sipped our tea and snacked on gingersnaps.
“The scent of lavender reminds me of my old farm in the country but you know what my favourite smell is?”
I could probably throw out a hundred guesses but would never have imagined what she told me…”fresh snow on a cold morning!” 
“But I wouldn’t think snow had a smell” says I.
“Oh but it does my dear!, it’s the smell of pine and chimney smoke and…well…just COLD!”
Her face was alight, her eyes, though cloudy, looked a bit more clear as she spoke...
“Those were my most favourite times when I would take out my old wooden sleigh to the top of a little hill in a valley where the trees were full of Thrushes and Jays. There’s nothing like the feel of leaving the first footprints in the snow and being the only one to rush down that hill on a crisp and quiet morning!”
And there, beside that summer bed of lavender, with the bees buzzing all around, I closed my eyes and almost felt a chill…a thrill…and blessed to be part of Hilda’s snow day.

'Hilda's Snow Day'
now available in my Etsy shop here 

Friday, November 4, 2016

Shadows and Light...

My real camera is in the shop so a kind friend loaned me her
camera so I could take some photos of a few new sculptures i've been working on.
Luckily she has a few cameras and this one on loan is exactly like my old camera 
so I know how to work all it's bells and whistles.
When I got home from town the light wasn't quite right in my studio
but I was intrigued by the birds out the window who
flitter and flutter about the bare branches.
Played with a bit of editing tools and
I just thought I'd share their sweet little forms in the bones of a winter tree...