Wednesday, February 3, 2016

morning commute...

One sunny morning, (because there is no other kind in Nicaragua!)
we took a stroll down by the lakeside in Granada.
Seemingly idyllic we wandered towards the sparkling water,
spotting a cowboy during morning chores herding cows.
The cows here (vaca in Spanish) are a breed known as Nelore.
They are derived from an ancient cow from India.
As we got closer to the waters edge we started to notice the garbage.
Plastic bags and bottles everywhere mixed in with the cows...
 A ever growing problem in our world, especially in places of poverty where funding
for recycling is little to none...Plastic; perhaps our most ingenious and most devastating invention of our times....but that's another chapter to discuss...
Quite sad to see such beautiful waters in such a state...the little river running into the lake was much the same as the few stray horses made their way down stream...
Anyway, it seemed a much nicer life than the mass factory feed lots
in which many cows are subjected to live in...
Down on the pacific coast a week later we encountered a whole different picture.
The cows living by the eco lodge we stayed in had a cleaner more serene commute...
 "good morning ladies!"
Wandering through the open woods...
Once in a while we spotted a loner quietly making her way up into the hills...
...perhaps taking in the views towards the ocean and the beach we were staying on...
Those mountains in the background are Costa Rica... doubt the cows taking care not to get too close to these massive thorny acacia trees...
A safe haven for a birds nest though!
The cows here are lovely, velvety things with
loppy ears hanging over big soft eyes...
 I was able to run my fingers briefly across her fur and it was like suede...
The water trough was a welcome hangout for an egret on this beautiful morning...
Love this old school wind mill that was powering the farm...
So goes the morning rush  hush hour in Nicaragua.