Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Good bye to a blog friend...

Today I heard the sad news that a friend in the blog community has passed away.
Nancy from lost a battle with cancer yesterday.
It is strange how I never met Nancy in person but felt I knew a little bit about her and the things that gave her joy...knitting (she was an amazing one at that!), nature, sunsets, 
riding in the mountains, her family. 
At one time she spent a week in Port Angeles and I could almost wave to her from across the ocean on Vancouver Island!
 I feel like the blogging community has made the world a smaller and more friendly place where kindred spirits can find one another and share their lives even though we have never met face to face. Nancy always had such kind compliments and comments on my blog.
A friend of hers took the time to go through Nancy's comments to find those who
followed her and to let us know about Nancy's illness and subsequent passing.
I want to thank this person for being so kind in her actions.
Sometimes I will see a blogger who hasn't posted in a long time
and I wonder what this case it was not the answer I had hoped for.
I know that Nancy posted photos of the mountains and sunsets in Wyoming 
where she lived and 
so these photos from my world are for in peace.