Saturday, October 29, 2016

October photo scavenger hunt...

Joining in the photo scavenger hunt with this lovely blog
'A' is for
...lovely acorn caps!
on the Champs de Mars in Paris of course!
11 o'clock...
sometimes the ticking drives me batty but isn't she lovely!
B & W...
I'm not much of a portrait photographer but when you have such a
pretty subject, you can't go wrong.
Looking up...
depends on your old pal Griff, gone almost 2 years 
and I still miss him looking up at me.
T is for...
T Rex!
some people think the Canadian Prairies are boring. 
How can you look at such a big sky and these colours and get bored?!
(Somewhere in Saskatchewan)
Jack Russell rescues, courtesy of my daughter and son-in-law.
a cat named Ghandi in Nicaragua...
My own choice...
because I just finished watching a series called 'The Detectorists'
about treasure hunters in Britain (and LOVED it!) a wee bit of gold
from inside The Louvre.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Still wondering whilst wandering...

(forgive the photos but my real camera is in the shop so the iphone will have to do for now)

I suppose I will always be a wanderer, dog or no dog.
With my wandering, hand in hand, is my wondering.
Late this afternoon, even though the weather is grey and drizzly,
I still feel the urge to get out.
The time for another dog is creeping up but hasn't quite caught up to me yet
so out I go anyway.
I'm fortunate to have found, in this new home, many places to walk...
You see my neighbourhood was once home to vast farmlands, of which some still remain...
In the shadows of development lie forgotten remnants of the fences
which once bordered many fields...
I wonder what this rotten wood kept in......or out.
I have yet to search the local archives but will one day venture into the files
of photos of days gone by. 
Our house was built in 1925 so perhaps it may appear in its early days along
with some other rural scenes of the area.
There was a family named Layritz who owned a very large parcel of land here...
At one time it became too much for the farmer and his wife they so graciously 
donated their property for parkland.
So many future generations have reaped the reward in the form of baseball and soccer fields, 
walking trails, bike trails and big wide open spaces, much needed in the throws of
land grabs for development.
And the birds... well as the tiny mice, rabbits, reptiles, insects and woodland snails can call this place home.
Today I was lucky to find an empty shell in the field.
So I thank those who thought to be stewards of the environment.
They committed a most gracious act of conservation.