Thursday, January 19, 2017


As promised I have some big news!
This little face has stolen my heart...Introducing Jed!
At last my heart, regarding the loss of my beloved Griffin, 
has passed a threshold and the door to another pup has opened...
There are certain things in my world that disappeared when Griffin died.
Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed a good ramble through the woods and swimming in the
cool summer lakes and rivers but it was those moments without my boy by my side
 that felt somewhat empty.
Replacing Griffin was not on my mind as he was a once in a lifetime dog.
That will never be disputed.
Some people never have that blessing bestowed upon them and I was one of the lucky few.
Jed is a new companion...
Fresh off the press and ready for action!!
All be it he's the same cross as Griffin was (Lab/Poodle) he is showing
me his very own personality along with the quirks of all individuals...
It was almost 14 years ago that Griff was as small and terrorizing as Jed and time has let me forget just how much energy it takes to begin the task of raising a puppy!
Do you see the mischief in those eyes???
It really is akin to having a newborn baby and stealing showers when possible and doing chores
while the wee one naps!
But as all puppies do, he will grow quickly, leaving only the photos
and chewed up shoes to remember these days.
I hope I do well by him and that our adventures together will fill
my soul with the joy that only a dog can bring...
Here's to looking ahead Jed!