Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Jeds big adventure...

Talk about timing!
With a new puppy in the house and my hubby going in for a knee replacement in two days,
it just seemed like the perfect opportunity for my back to decide to go out on me. 
In the mean time I will take you with Jed and I on his first real adventure.
I wanted him to get use to travelling in the van so I'm starting
with short trips.
Two days ago we went to a sweet little wild park in 
the city called Anderson Hill.
It sits on the eastern edge of the city of Victoria and 
has lovely views out to Trial Island...
Actually a group of small islands, it houses an automated lighthouse who's main
function is to record weather and tides for the area.
There's Jed heading out to the lookout!
It's a small park but along the mossy, rocky terrain it has BIG views.
Here, looking west towards the neighbourhood of Fairfield and Gonzales Bay...
Jed was full of wonder at all of the new smells and sounds...
I forgot how hard it is to take pictures of a black dog! he kept getting lost in the light!
...thats better!
I kept telling him that this was the start of many rambles together and that the van will be his best friend. He was kind enough to listen to me even though it probably sounded like Zulu to him.
Once more, a lovely view of Trial Island, this time with a freighter gliding by...
"hey there little mite!"
The Garry Oaks up on this point are very short and scrubby.
They are very exposed to mighty winds here.
The trail looking back to whence we came...
Jed trying to become one with the grass..
A big day for a wee lad...naptime on the way home...dreaming of what's to come!