Thursday, April 6, 2017

What's up?...

It's been a while since writing, in the meantime, 
SPRING has arrived here!
The woods, all dark and mossy have been lit up with the first sweet little wildflowers...
Fawn lilies or if you want to get all Latin about it, Erythronium oregonum.
 No matter what you call them, they will call to you along the paths with their
little nodding heads, like fairy hats on parade...
 Holding onto drops of rain until the most delicate of movement shakes them off...
 My walks are twice as long now while I stop and stoop on bended knees
(sometimes stiff and achy bended knees!)
to try and capture this fleeting show...
 The mushrooms are staring to make a show as well.
I spotted these tiny little ones, the biggest about the size of a nickel, 
reminding me of minute Japanese paper parasol's 
 Jed is growing into a sweet little pup and I love that he's beginning to
know the trails and paths we walk every morning...
 ...running ahead, knowing which fork to take, full of joy, as only a young pup can!
 I must apologize for photo quality as I seem to just bring along my iPhone
thinking I won't really take any photos...I should know better!!
A few things completed on the studio table in prep 
for a gallery show coming up in May.
This is Stuart.
I named him after our beloved CBC storyteller extraordinaire who passed away
early this year. He will be missed by many, many listeners who have been
following 'The Vinyl Cafe' and before that his stints on 'Morningside' for many years.
He once did a story on birdwatching and called the ones he couldn't identify 'LBJ's'
or 'Little Brown Jobs'.
So thanks for all the stories Stuart.
This little Stuart bird will always be singing your praise as one of 
the best storytellers of our time.
This other piece was so much fun to make...
 It's called 'Spike on Wellesley Street', a nod to my dads childhood home...
...and yes Spike is anatomically correct!
I used a thin piece of gold wire for his pee.
Funny enough, while I was sleeping, someone left tiny hand prints in the sidewalk!
It may be the part of a series as I'm now making two more versions of Spike.
So that's about all from this big rock in the North Western Pacific Ocean.
Hope you are all well and enjoying spring wherever you are!
Thanks for stopping by!