Even Griffin is content to hang out in the studio...usually he comes in for a smooch and hello and then he wants to go sit on the porch but I think the weather has him feeling cozy in here as well..
But alas! I still have to venture out to the hen house for eggs and to let the chickens out for a wander around or they get cranky and stop laying such beautiful eggs...On the way from the studio to the barnyard, I have been encountering these little armies of mushrooms...
They are miniscule...about 3 or 4 centimetres at the most and I figured I had better take a few portraits of them before the predicted cold weather comes along...
Out in the garden things are brown and droopy but have a beauty all their own while they die down for a long winter sleep...
So, just looking at things from a different view today through all the raindrops and mist...it all looks good.
Absolutely splendid photograph!