Wednesday, December 23, 2009

the gift...

Yesterday I received a mysterious package in the first I thought that I had got into the wine one night and ordered something from etsy...there are so many of my favorite things there!
When I opened the box, I was even more dumbfounded by the contents...

Inside were two bundles full of vintage postcards, a bird book and most interesting of all was a little peice of wool roving that was 90 years old with a small note explaining that it had come from a museum and was about to be discarded.
Still feeling quite puzzled, I searched the box again and finally found the letter...

The letter explained the contents but not until the end did I learn of the reason and the sender.
To make a long story short, it was a sort of apology about a misunderstanding concerning an order from a past customer.
It was incredibly  generous and extremely kind and was more than necessary to make up for the blip.
The generousity of a woman whom I don't even really know touched me and the fact that these vintage findings belonged to her grandmother was even more of a blessing. She thought deep about the things she sent and researched enough to know that these three bundles in a box would bring me some joy...
At this time of year we are all opened up to stories of kindness. Most of the year we are involved in our own lives and time slips by with the busied everyday pressures of work, home and everyday commitments. But there are some people who have it in their character to think of others and it is a genuine action to give without I hope to somehow pay it forward with these small but significant gifts in the New Year.

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