Friday, December 18, 2009

...soggy days...

It was a soggy, foggy day and the heavy mist hung onto each and every tiny seed head...

Regina and Rosey met up with us for a walk on the Goose...that's the local name for the Galloping Goose Regional trail.

 It's an old rail bed that has turned into miles and miles of nice, easy terrain for walkers, bikers and equestrians and is littered with history along the way.Here's remnents of the old telegraph line that ran along side.  have a look here to find out more... ...and a piece of old railway tie, returning to the earth...

 They call it the Galloping Goose because of the rattling, bumpy little train that used to ride the rails in the early to mid 1900' it's a pretty corridor at any time of the year...

Griffin and Rosey always have a good ramble when we get together...

...'pawsing 'for a photo op...
Regina and I try to get together once a week or so to walk and moan and laugh and today, to remember a friend, who passed away a year ago...As I said to seems like a long time and at the same time Debbie was only here a minute ago. A quote I once heard...It's not that life is short, it's that death is VERY long...
These small moments in life are what we cherish...a stroll in the rain, catching up with the local news and just watching the dogs wandering along...
On the way back to the van, we pass a  little farmhouse with this sweet menagerie of sheep and duck...

..."Uh...its raining out there y'know.."

Of course some, like us, don't mind a bit...good for the old feathers they say....

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