Saturday, January 2, 2010

quiet, rain and wool...

So this is what I wish I was seeing out my studio window....
But alas it's raining...

and I've been in the studio most of New Years day working on my latest needle felted creature, Ivy...

I've been down with a cold for a few days so there was little celebrating or staying up late...the blue moon was shrouded in cloud so I felt in the same company as her...the lights out at 10pm after a few chapters of my book. I'm not sure if it's an age thing, a country thing or what but I find that going out and staying out late just isn't as intriguing as it used to be. When I lived in town, it was definitely much easier to go out and about....I could jump on my bicycle or flag a cab and most things were within 20 minutes or so away from home. I must admit that I do miss going to the movies on a rainy night and then out for a pint afterwards but all in all I think I've become somewhat of a cocooner and it's all good. The warmth of the fire with a glass of wine and a rented movie suits me fine. I'm sure I've had my fill of late nights although I'm not saying that I'm putting myself out to pasture or anything...just that...well it's that damn woodstove and curling up on the couch with Tom that's so appealing now...have I come to my senses? Grown up? Well I do know one things for can grow old but stay childlike forever...

1 comment:

It's fascinating to see who and where you are!
Thanks for coming to visit...