Monday, February 1, 2010

May's cookbook...

I was looking for a recipe amongst my cookbooks and took my Great Grandma May's out for a look...
It was published in 1922. I love how its a bit stained and beat up...she must have used it quite a bit.
On the inside cover is a recipe she wrote down, probably when she was quite elderly, as the writing is very shakey...I haven't tried this one but must make a note of it and give it a go one day.
The book is also full of bits and pieces of recipes from the paper, friends and box sides.
As I looked through the book, I came across some really strange recipes....
Doesn't this sound scrumptious? (not really!)

Lots of really helpful hints for around the house as well!

Then there is the section of menu ideas for different times of the year...
A lot of them sound very time consuming and I wonder, between looking after the men, babies, chicken farm and garden, where she would have had the time to whip up a salmon souffle' with pineapple gelatin pie? Or how about baconized meatballs and pickled spiced onions?!!

I was lucky enough to inherit a few kitchen gadgets along with the cook book years ago...
This old rolling pin has probably made enough pies to feed an army. I think I even used it as a hammer a few far as I know, no husbands heads have been wacked with it!
Imagine the mountains of potatoes this has mashed...I still use it for mine...
These things that are so simple and mundane continue to be used and loved...Every time I take one of these things out, I think of her in her country kitchen and I love how that little piece of her lives on through me. I often wonder when I'm long gone, if any of my gadgets will find there way into my daughters or grand daughters cupboards and drawers?


  1. I love what you said about using the things that were family and thinking about what it was like.
    I have so many of my Mother's things and I love using them with all the memories that are attached.
    What a wonderful idea with the warm clothes pins. That's a really practical idea.

  2. i have many of my grandmother's dishes, etc. and some of her diaries. i, too, marvel about how she got it all done. i am most fortunate to have many of the old photos and it is great fun and very satisfying to keep all of my ancestors in mind. great post!


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