Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tis the season...

When I first started using a digital camera, I was still very computer illiterate and didn't quite know how to keep folders and at one point I deleted a bunch of photos and never found them again...
In this group of photos were some of a progression of a clutch of Robins eggs that was in one of our apple trees.
When mama bird was out gathering worms and such, I would sneak down and take a picture once a week.
I remembered the other day that I had made prints of these pictures to sell as cards and as luck would have it I had one group of them left.
So excuse the quality since I had to take photos of the photos but it really is amazing how fast they grow!

In the begining...

...balls of fuzz and flesh...

...thinking the camera is mama coming home with snacks...

...about a week before they flew away...


  1. How wonderful!: Both Mother nature and your photography.

  2. What perfect timing and shots... these are just great!
    I'm still working on my computer and camera 'skills', but I'll get there someday...Maybe ;)

  3. wow, these are tremendous, especially the one with the babies thinking you are mamabird. i was thinking about you watching for the mother to fly off, and how you'd have to sneak in for the shots you took. the pace of your life, the way you take notice of such things and then the time you spend to share this with others. things like this make our world warmer, and help the connections spread from one to another.


It's fascinating to see who and where you are!
Thanks for coming to visit...