Monday, May 10, 2010

The visit...

This is a story about time...
how it marches on by, no matter what.
These hands are my grandma's.
They wear a wedding ring from my grandpa, gone years before.
These hands washed the faces of  9 children.
Cooked and cleaned for them all.
Held them all in her arms.
Lost one along the way.
Taught them how to laugh.
On mothers day they open a card and a gift from her daughter.
The hands are still able although the mind is not.
Her smiles and hugs for all who come around are abundant but dementia is a terrible thief.
She is quiet and restless and wants her garden and her house back.
The 'home' she lives in is lovely though, and has a resident companion named Buddy.
He brings joy to everyone he meets...a tiny but mighty little guy.
The ladies wear summer hats while we have our tea and cake...
We enjoy the sun and the closeness which the day has brought.
We remind her of other times and places, grandchildren and great grandchildren, trips to Hawaii and the Canadian Rockies...
She likes to hear of these things and a sparkle comes back to her eyes.
These moments in time are precious.
Grab hold and take it all in...breathe it in deep.


  1. what a beautiful post. your grandma is so handsome, i am glad you shared photos of her smile and eyes. such warmth and strength. yes, she would like her garden back. gosh, i can remember when my gramma gave back the garden. she turned to jack london books.

  2. thank you for reminding me of my
    precious grandmother. it used to
    break my heart to visit her, but i
    never regret a single visit now.

    you are so wise to value your time
    with your sweet grandmother.

  3. This makes my heart sad and happy too. There are such mixed feelings about our grandmothers and mothers. Missing them so and yet remembering wonderful moments.
    I love these photos. You will treasure them forever.


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