Saturday, July 17, 2010

The bounty!

Out into the fields again...
 Past the old farmhouse...
 down through the orchard...
Out past the tractor...
These little beauties are easy to find...

A few little surprises along the way...
This time of year is heavy with the bounty of fruit!
We were like kids in a candy shop...
The delicate raspberry ready for the picking.
They don't keep long but just imagine...
In the middle of winter you go down into the freezer and grab a few cupfuls to eat with cream and sugar...
Or pop open a little jar of jam for your toast on a frosty December morning...
It will be that sweet perfume of a summer day...
The sun, the blue sky and chattering amongst the rows...


  1. Fresh fruit from the the branch is the sweetest of pleasures. When we were little snappers there was a monastery behind us that supplied the brothers with all the fruit and veg they could eat and every now and then we would sneak into the garden and dig out the strawberry beds and eat them fresh from the ground.....dirt an' all....a taste I will never forget!!! It seems as if you live in a garden of eden with a bounty that knows no from the sea... maybe you are ressurecting the way things were and should always be....self sufficiency as it should be....

  2. Yum!!! I love berries! Especially of that variety!
    Great photos ... what a beautiful place.

  3. you likely have no idea how much i want to taste those raspberries!


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