Saturday, July 24, 2010

The word....

And in the beginning was the word.
And the word was basil.
And garlic.
And parmesean.
And olive oil.
And cashews.
And the faithful servants asked Him..."What shall we do with the word?"
And He replied..."Go forth to Regina's and maketh PESTO!"
And the servants along with the beasts replied....YES!!
And so they went to the humble home of Regina and Jim...
And OH how they made PESTO!!
And rejoiced with the bounty of Regina's sangria...
And all was well in the peaceable kingdom of Katrina...


  1. THIS IS WONDERFUL!! Takes Basil to a whole new level. I've always know, of course; but it's so good to find another person who puts Pesto in it's proper place.
    Love the photos. Love the animals.
    Love the new header....

  2. Kerry you are AWESOME! I loved that post and I love your new banner. Love the picture of the dogs. I love friends who invite dogs as well. xxxb


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