Thursday, October 14, 2010


I was going through some 'stuff' in the barn the other day...
You know...'stuff'.
The things you put away in boxes.
The things you don't really use but don't want to lose.
Some stuff has sentimentil attatchments that brings back chapters of your life...
Maybe an old lover, a place in your childhood, a book you just can't let go of.
How about those old LP's? 
Fleetwood Mac, Joni Mitchell, Boston...
Some stuff you put in boxes and later realize, it's time to let it go.
Maybe it's just extra stuff that you forgot to take to the Salvation Army.
These pictures are from a box of random stuff, but they mean the world to me...
You see, they were on our wedding cake 11 years ago, which my dear old friend, Sylvie made.
Not only that, but she and her kids at the time, hand painted each and every one of these happy, dancing people. They are only about an inch high and must have taken them hours...
I knew I had them somewhere and had put them away to keep.
I hadn't forgot about them, just knew they were somewhere with a bunch of other 'stuff'.
And then, there they were. In my hour of need.
I was feeling a bit low...down in the dumps...just one of those days I guess.
Sometimes going through 'stuff' can bring you down or take you to places you might not want to go...
But on this day, with this little tiny bag of dancers, it took me to a better level...
I felt like her...the one in the orange and green.
Good Stuff!


  1. what music are they dancing to kerry?

  2. I love them! When you think of the time and effort that went into each individual little figure, there's no doubt that your friend thinks the world of you!

    I'm in the process of cleaning out my shed... but due to a leaky roof, I'm having to throw out a lot of stuff - mainly books. :(

  3. Awesome! The are wonderful and the pictures are fantastic! They have so much personality and the photos do too ... energy! Great job Kerry.

    Totally awesome post. (I'm a Valley girl today :)


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