Sunday, December 12, 2010

Diggin' it...

Today we celebrated my nephews 13th birthday.
Nick is into 'everything archeology', so when I saw this...
I figured there wasn't anyone else I knew but him who would really enjoy such a thing.
And so began the dig.
Even with his recently broken elbow, the enthusiasm was high...
Chipping, scraping, hammering...
 and brushing dust away for a good while until...
 There! Do you see it?!
The quest for treasure grows more and more intense...
Finally, after about an hour, not one but  4 artifacts are uncovered...
They are all made of metal, quite heavy and realistic...
Nick especially loved the coin.
After he uncovered them, all of the chipped away stone was crushed to powder and mixed with water...
Then he added his own artifacts...
Put it all back into a mold and it sits drying and ready for the next amateur archaeologist to find the treasure...
There's nothing like seeing the joy and passion this kid has for discovering.
His quest to learn will take him on grand adventures.
Happy Birthday Nick!


  1. Happy Birthday Nick. You aunt really knows how to pick a present. This looks so cool. I would like a present like this and I'm an old lady.
    Hope you had a really great day!!

  2. Clever, "with it and hip" aunt, perfect thoughtful gift!

    He was thrilled. Mission accomplished.

  3. What an inspired gift...I unearth hope from the fact that such a product exists and happiness in your finding and giving it to your nephew. And seeing that he gets to start the process anew. Such a happy birthday. Many, many more.

  4. Awe Happy Birthday!
    My nephew would love this but being only 5 the chisel might not be the best idea. :) How fun though. Food for thought down the road. I would have loved that as a kid!

    p.s. thanks for the birthday wish! :)


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