Thursday, January 20, 2011


On wet days like this, I love to create...I have been playing with all of the fun editing toys on Picasa.
Or I will spend hours in the studio, needle felting, looking out at the weather.
Right now I am in the midst of crocodile dentistry...more on that later.
But I also get bundled up and take Griffin for a couple of walks.
I once heard an Irish saying that goes like this...
"there's no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes."
Having a dog keeps you in touch with the elements.
Gets you up and out of your hibernation.
Allows you to meditate on the world beyond the glass.
Some people loath the rain.
Maybe it's in my blood, growing up on the West Coast of Vancouver Island.
Maybe it goes back as far as my ancestors on the West Coast of Ireland.
Whatever it is, although it does get tiring after days on end,
there's something good about rain.
Allowing me to be quiet within.
Picking up strands of projects, set aside on a clear and warm day.
Time for catching up on letters which need writing (yes I still write the odd snail mail).
Deciding on which pot of delicious soup to try from a number of recipes...
And reminding myself that spring, officially, is exactly 8 weeks away!


  1. Good reminders of rain benefits. I do love the rain, all by itself.

    Thank you.

  2. Nice gumboots!!!!

    xx Aja

  3. Yeah, those boots were a gift from my lovely daughter!

  4. Great photos and I just want to say ... that face gets me every time. Love your pup!


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