Thursday, March 17, 2011

Song for Friday...once again

Keeping with the celebration of St Paddy's Day...

I know I've posted music from Dubliner, Lisa Hannigan before, 
But I must again...she's so lovely!
Just can't get enough of her words and music...

..."i keep you in the pockets of my dresses
and the bristles of my brushes
spin you into my curls today

I spoon you into my coffee cup, 
spin you through a delicate wash 
I wear you all day"

Have a grand weekend all.


  1. This is how each day might begin...oatmeal finished, now the heart touched with such glad Irish song. How do we decide who to be today when we are reminded of our almost too-many parts?

  2. Sure wasn't I only listening to her album on the way home from work today... can't wait for the new one. Check out
    if you want to see some amazing footage of Lisa Hannigan & co.


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