Wednesday, April 27, 2011

On the way home....

We were lucky to have a sunny day to travel back down Island.
 Here we are coming back from Denman towards Vancouver Island.
Captain Tom...
 The Vancouver Island Range is like a backbone that runs down the centre of the Island,
with the highest peak in Strathcona Park, Golden Hinde at 2,200 metres (about 7,200 feet).
We took our time, stopping to take Griffin for a few little walks, before stopping 
in at one of Vancouver Islands little secrets.
Off the main highway, off the beaten track, down a few back roads, this is what you'll find...
The prettiest English pub set out in the middle of a small farming community, in the middle of nowhere.
If you've ever watched the BBC series, Midsommer Murders, then you'll feel like you've just stepped 
onto the set of the show...
...a lovely house for the owners, a few outbuildings and this pretty little pub...
...but before we go in, you must take a stroll by the pond to visit the newest members of Yellowpoint...
These cuties belong to these gorgeous parents...
...not so ugly ducklings...
O.K, back to the business of lunch...
stroll through the sun dappled arbour...
 ...and what to my eyes appears?
(cue heavenly choir music...)
Aahh ...yes, the sign of great taste!
In the warmer months, you can sit outside, and although it SHOULD be the warmer months,
the wind was quite chill this day so we opted to warm up inside...
 Even though this pub was only built in 1969, it has the real feel of a hundred year old pub...
low ceilings, big beams...
...big fireplace, stuff all over the walls, old books...
And of course great food and drink!
I had the fantastic seafood chowder, while Tom enjoyed the bratwurst lunch plate.
It was the perfect end to our journey and although this pub is a good hour and a half drive, 
we'll go out of our way to stop again and again...


  1. what a beautiful spot and charming pub!
    i loved "stuff all over the walls." that's
    just how i would put it.

  2. Definitely the prettiest English pub! It is! LOVE the stained glass and nothing's better than yummy chowder.

    The fuzzy birds kill me. So cute.

  3. You are making it very difficult for me not to get in my car and drive up to visit your island.
    I remember coming over on the ferry. What a beautiful place it is. I had no idea that those mountains were that high.
    I will add this wonderful Pub to my list of things to see when I return to Vancouver Island someday.


It's fascinating to see who and where you are!
Thanks for coming to visit...