Thursday, May 5, 2011

Song for Friday...for all the cowgirls and cowboys...

Yesterday I found this old book in the Sally Ann from the '30's  for .99cents.
When I opened it up a newspaper clipping fell out.
On one side was a poem and on the reverse was a few classified ads.
This one caught my eye...
Imagine being an out of work cowgirl in the '30's and seeing this ad!
I'd be yodelling all the way to the bank!
Have a rip roarin' weekend y'all...


  1. I am not really sure if best practices have emerged around things like that, but I am sure that your great job is clearly identified. I was wondering if you offer any subscription to your RSS feeds as I would be very interested and can?t find any link to subscribe here.

  2. Love this!
    I probably would have been more the:
    Ladies to make fancy pillows at home; good pay." type.... but if I had seen that offer, rode a horse and wanted to go to Hollywood I'd be all over that ad.
    Here's to Cowgirls everywhere....

  3. Oh my gosh ... so CLASSIC! And I know where Glendale Blvd is! I take Italian just up from there! :)


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