Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ridin' in style!

So after a good walk and a big nap this morning, my humans decided it was time
to take the 'new' old truck out for a drive...just to make sure all is running fine...
They say they bought it to get firewood...
...or seaweed or soil or other stuff that's big and messy...
It's from a time called 'the '70s...1976 to be was before I was ever born...
before anyone even thought about Labradoodles... owners call it a 'gas guzzler'...whatever that is!
They also call it a 'beater' but they seem pretty happy with the fact that they now have a work truck...
It was an old farm truck back in the day, so I guess it's used to carrying stuff on bumpy, dusty roads.
Personally, I think they got it for me...
'Cause I LOVE riding around in the back of a truck...
...there's nothing like the feeling of the wind blowing through your fur!!
 ...Tom's feelin' the love too!
 ...So...LET"S GO FOR A RIDE!!
( do I look?... pretty cool huh?!)

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