Tuesday, July 5, 2011

New kid in town...

11 years ago we got three little male goats from the local petting zoo.
Tramp, Leif and Licorice.
Then we decided they needed company, so we got three females.
Gloria, Dancer and Star (Leif's mom).
So the years went by and the goats got old and we were recently left with one.
Tramp was the sole remaining goat and was quite alone.
 Spending 12 years with his 'gang' and the last 2 with Leif, he was 
quite forlorn.
Wanting us to hang out with him more than we had time to...
So we put out the word for company.
Enter: Katie...
 She came from a place up the road where her two other male barn mates
beat up on her all the time. She took refuge in the pony who lives there.
So when she came to our place, she didn't want to hang out with Tramp.
She liked the chicken...
...and the rooster...
...and even the baby barn swallows, up in their nest...
...Tramp kept looking at us as if to say
"You want ME to hang out with HER ?!
 Lets just say it wasn't quite the match made in heaven we had hoped for.
But slowly they have grown on each other and sleep in the same stall and 
hang out together more and more.
We have had to do some major fence maintenance as well since Katie
is a wanderer...bless her little goats heart, but the neighbours don't like her
eating all of their bird food.
I've had to go over twice to bring her home.
Luckily she walks really well on a leash!
Goats are herd animals and don't like to be alone.
Now that she's got to know the handsome Tramp, she's is feeling 
much more comfortable in her goat skin.
She's a big talker and bleats her hard head off all the time.
But we're growing to love her as well.


  1. they are building trust.

    Me and my Man did just the same.

    Love 'em

  2. oh how I love your stories
    and those goat photos
    precious....yoos the best

  3. Wonderful story! Great photos. Goats are such social animals and need companionship.
    I'm so happy that you found Tramp a friend. After getting to know each other they will be just fine.
    It might even spice up the old goats life a bit.


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Thanks for coming to visit...