Saturday, September 24, 2011

sunny bees...

After what seemed to be the start of fall, we've been blessed with some last minute,
hot summer weather. Even the nights are warm.
I had replaced my summer blanket with the down comforter and now I 
find myself waking in the night much too hot!
The sunflowers are providing some of the last bit of food for
the bees and, well, I just couldn't help myself but go out
and take pictures of these giants and the busy sunny bees.
 Look how each one has it's own preference of which way to turn it's head!
Some are droopy...
Some look as if they're facing a might wind...
Some decided to have 2 heads...
But most of all, they're all so bold and beautiful!
 Bees are dusted and drunk with the late summer pollen...
What would you do if you were a bee with allergies?!
Took advantage of the sun and heat and made some Linden flower, lemon sun tea...
I must admit though, I'm looking forward to some rain.
The well is very low and I'm ready for some wet weather.
But for now, you take what you are offered in these last heat filled days...drink it all in.


  1. My heart is full of country love and your gentle beauty photographs.

    All are tremendous, but the little bee shot from behind is stellar, frosted wings on sunflower...sign.....happiness.

    Thank you, for sharing.

  2. Magnificent! These are beautiful photos Kerry ... sunflowers make me just so happy to look at them. I am cracking up because I bought little bunch on Friday to brighten up my place! :)
    It would be great to see them outside so thanks for this!


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