Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A visit with Annie...

Years ago I cut a picture out of a magazine of a pretty little house.
I put it in the first page of a new journal I was starting full of ideas, dreams and creative motivation.
Who knew that years later I would be visiting my friend Annie who lives in that same house.
Well, actually, it's her husband David's office but it's on the same property five minutes from my house.
To say that David is a builder is a massive understatement.
He is truly an artist of woodworking.
The 'big house' where they live is just a peak through the woods behind the office.
So off I went for tea at Annie's.
And delicious zucchini fudge brownies!
As much as David is an artist in his building, so is Annie in her gourd art and her garden.
Through the garden gate we take a stroll into the green house where it's warm and full of the gourds she'll use to make her beautiful works of art...
Here's one of her little gourd clocks...
..and more of her work can be found here on her website.
Inside we sat on the couch drinking in this view as well as the tea...
...the kitchen, warm and the jade plant stand of the bronze figure...
I love to see where artists do their work and Annie's studio was no disappointment!
It is like a mix of mad scientist, alchemist and medieval watch maker with dashes of whimsy
and gobletfuls of creativity everywhere you turn.
Love it!
As if the garden and the house and the art aren't enough to keep them busy, Annie and David 
are building ANOTHER house on their five acres.
Actually they moved a log cabin that was built in the 1930's and are now, after 20 years,
putting the finishing touches on it so they can move in.
This house also looks out onto those beautiful pastures we saw from the living room of the 'big house'.
We wandered around a bit more...
 This lovely 'carriage house' is David's workshop...
All in all a wonderful morning spent amongst the creative forces that make up this
mix of fairy woodland, English cottage and true West Coast flare.
Thanks Annie!


  1. such a wonderful couple they must be living dreams
    thanks for sharing

  2. This is the kind of place one dreams of as a place to live as an artist. And your pictures of it are simply beautiful. Just a magical place of warmth and beauty.

  3. so i need to think of something else to say everytime i come here, but my constant response is Love Love what you share here. many blessings.

  4. Beautiful house! Love the stone fence. Aja

  5. I could live there!
    What a workshop, tidy yet untidy

  6. Wow! All of it is so charming and lovely!!!
    Very inspiring are their little treasures. Thanks for taking us!


It's fascinating to see who and where you are!
Thanks for coming to visit...