Thursday, November 17, 2011

Song for Friday...A love song...

Today winter came to us boldly...
She brought the winds during the night, knocking out the power for a while.
It was a dark and stormy night indeed!
And although I would have rather stayed warm and cozy, needle felting by the fire,
I took my que from Griffin to get out for a few walks.
This afternoon, I bundled up and out we wandered in the thick, wet snow.
Quite a few years ago I happened upon a pair of boots in a British horticulture magazine
and it was love at first sight!
I adored them from afar, saving up my pennies for almost 3 years.
Then I finally found a shop in the area that has started carrying them.
I promised myself, I would just go have a look...
But as soon as they caressed my ankles and fondled my toes, they had me...
Or should I say, I had them!
Now when I go out, even in this weather, especially this weather, my feet and my legs are
warm and more importantly DRY!
You see not only are they gorgeous Irish Dubarry boots,
they are Goretex lined.
My feet and I are in love and happy as can be.
So today's song is a love song to the saviour of these wet, winter days...


  1. Oh, such poetic writing on such a wintery day....but it's not even winter!!
    I love your boots...3years you much were they?? my goodness......where can I get a pair? I have a piggy bank about to burst anyway ;)
    We have had a few flakes...drifting about in the wind about a week ago...but that magic morning when yhou wake up and the trees look like some crazed fairy went goofy you have me excited for that morning

  2. a good pair of boots, the right silk 'kerchief, and a pair of red mittens (oh, and smart wool socks) holds us steady for years. love these boots!

    and your winter system has crested the continental divide and is knocking at my front door as i type.

  3. Oh those boots. Isn't it wonderful when you fall in love with something so practical and beautiful. They are fine looking boots. You were right to go with your heart on these.
    We are getting our first cold, windy, rainy weather tonight and it's wonderful. I have waited all year for this. I'm tucked in and ready for winter.
    The photos are so perfect. Especially the icy, snowy one in the trees. Just beautiful!

  4. Hey Missy.... Here's a song back at Ya...

    Get walking...


  5. Winter came to us boldly as well. We're cold and covered in white.

    Those boots are so nice. Your patience in saving up for them paid off. They look perfect for your walks. And your photos are beautiful.

    Thank you for popping over to my blog. :) I shall come back and visit you often. It is so very lovely here.

  6. Those are awesome boots!
    Hope you are having an amazing weekend!

  7. Who else to sing an ode to beauty off the beaten track? The first thing I would want there in your country would be warm, dry, steady feet. Beauty worth waiting for. (Sing on, Joe. His "The Moon's A Harsh Mistress" also does nicely as homage to a possibly inanimate object.) xo


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