Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday's colours...red and white

Mushrooms have been popping up all over the place.
More than I've ever seen in the usual places.
Especially these Amanita's...
There's been word around that it's going to be a cold winter and 
nature has shown some signs.
More berries on the shrubs, more acorns on the trees.
Maybe the abundance of mushrooms follows suit...
Possibly nature's way of ensuring survival by way of producing more than enough.
Whatever the case may be, it's a marvel to see.
Even with all of their deadly attributes, they are beauties as well...


  1. Beautiful photographs, they look like something from Alice in Wonderland. It has been a bumper year here for acorns and berries and fruits of all kinds. We shall see, I hope those predictions are wrong.

  2. Oh my, this was a pleasure, thanks for sharing.

  3. are those real!? no way

  4. I don't think these type of mushrooms grow in my part of the world, they are so magical to me. Sensitively captured :)

  5. These mushrooms are surreal, so weird and wonderful! I love mushrooms.

  6. Love it. We don't get those here ... at least I've never seen them! So Alice in Wonderland! Love the photos!

  7. My first thought was simply wow. Nothing like that around here, ever. Your photography maximizes their unreal beauty/strangeness. Wow. xo


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