Friday, December 16, 2011

Song for Friday...classic

I've been singing this song to our old goat now, when I go out to the barn.
I'll tell you more about him later....
Have a great weekend all!


  1. Old goats....I'm a lot like you, I want things that don't get lost.

    Songs that fit our lives, we remember them.

    Thanks, for sharing.

    Happy weekend. When you are retired, like me, there really are no more weeks. :-)

  2. The mirror says, 'old goat,' the heart says, 'not so fast...' Was thinking of Mr. Young's performance of "Helpless" from THE LAST WALTZ this morning. Great minds. xo

  3. Very interesting song. Did the old goat understand your words?
    I will sing it to Brownie. He just wants to be stroked and talked to. Maybe he would like this song.


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