Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Night vision...

Sunday night when I went out to the barn to close up the goats,
the moon was so bright and beautiful.
I went back into the house to get my camera.
No flashlight needed tonight.
In fact no flash on the camera either...
When it's bright and quiet like this, I can hear what I can't on other nights.
Owls calling from far away, dogs barking from up the road...
 ...things just seem a little friendlier.
Makes you a bit giddy in fact.
The goats seemed to want to stay out just a little later, being able to see a little clearer...
My cat Ruben acting crazy... his tail puffed up as he races around after me...
...too fast in motion, he ends up quite ghostly on camera...
As I walk back past the windows of the barn, I know the power of a full moon...
It's nights like these, I think of Hondo Crouch.
His poem 'Lukenbach Moon' was on an old Jerry Jeff Walker album I had
and ever since I first heard it 32 years ago I think of it when I see
a big bright full moon.


  1. I love the shot of the moon through the branches of the tree. Gorgeous.

  2. A most lovely moonlit walk you take us on. How beautiful the night is. How lovely to see the goats in the light of the barn, and the cat is affected by the full moon no doubt.

  3. OOOH, I think I want to steal that moon!

    It is very difficult to get a good shot of the moon, I have tried many times and know how what you see through the lens is very hard to capture. Well done, you have captured that silvery moon perfectly.

  4. Beautiful Moon. :) I think of Clair de Lune by Claude Debussy. One of my favorite pieces of music ever! And i believe i spy a kitty? And i wish i could hug your goats. They look so cozy, safe and warm.


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