Thursday, January 5, 2012

Song for Friday...once upon a time

A long time ago, this song was # 1 the week of January 11th.
I was brand new.
For now I'm 49.95...
Soon to be 50.
Let's see what the next half century brings.
Maybe I'll do a little 'Slow Twist'...
Have a great weekend all!


  1. Thanks for the memory - I used to dance the twist to this music. Also, happy birthday - you could be my daughter - my son turned 50 in April - I could hardly believe it since I am only 40 myself!!!!!!! Toby has me feeling even younger these days.

    Love to you

  2. And I was 17 years old and oh, could I dance.
    That was goooood music!
    Thanks for the long ago rhythms and that slow twist.


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