Tuesday, February 21, 2012

You feelin' alright?...part 1...

"Hey, Paul, is that you man?"
"yeah, hey Cino...not quite feelin' all together today..."
"uh, yeah.. dude...you look a bit discombobulated..."
"yeah...I'm a bit outta my head right now."
"let me know if I can fetch you anything, o.k Paul?"...
"Sure bud, thanks."

(to be continued)


  1. I love it! Can't wait for the rest of the story! And i adore your little doggie. How awesome. :)

  2. I'm thinkin' there must be a support group or a twelve step program or something for people like you...

    Oh. Wait. I LOVE this, so maybe I'm the one who needs the help?

  3. I think you should leave Paul's head right where it is - he looks so happy and it has the adorable pooch quite entertained!!! Love it.

  4. What a wonderful way to write a post - just fallen across you on a blogdom browse. Like you I am attempting the 'starving artist' route - more quilting and hand spinning for me. Lovely to have met you.


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