Saturday, May 26, 2012

See what love can do...

You may have read about my daughter and her partners efforts in the
rescue and rehabilitation of two Jack Russell terriers.
(If not, have a look at this post)
'Parker' was the second of the two.
Here he is just after arriving at his new home.
Scared, malnourished, chronic skin disorder, abandoned...
A bit of an ugly little bugger isn't he?
But you know what?
With LOADS of love, the right foods, many trips to the vet for his skin and
just look at him now!!!
 I do believe I see a bit of a smile on him as well...just goes to show you what LOVE can do.
If you live anywhere near Ontario and are thinking of getting a dog, think long and hard
about giving a rescue dog a home. Have a look at the JRTO website here
The rewards are huge for you and the dog.
Now, anyone up for some quiche and escargot?


  1. Sweet post!
    The biggest difference is in Parker's eyes. The sadness has changed to hope.
    He is a dashing dog. I wish him a good home and much happiness.

  2. Oh i so wish i could reach into the picture and hug Monsieur Parker! How beautiful he is. And you're right, of course. Love is a miraculous thing. I'm glad he's found love and happiness and safety. Your daughter and her partner are special people who have much love to give. Peace and love to them, and to you, and to little, sweet Parker!

  3. what a daughter you raised

  4. Oh I do remember that post. :(

    SO wonderful to see him healthy and happy! <3

  5. What a sweetie pie! And how wonderful what they do rehabilitating and finding homes for dogs. That last shot is totally classic, by the way!


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