Sunday, July 22, 2012

From the depths...

A perfect summers day...take the trail through the meadows...
down by the seaside.
Sand, sun, snacks...
The sea offers so much.
From the depths of her dark waters, she tosses up leftovers from oceanic gardens.
This summer day, we felt it, wore it and dressed in it, tasted it...
Sea weed!
Played with it's delicate, lacy sheets...
 a veil for Rachel...
...and out on the rocks we even spotted a seaweed mermaid...
magically transformed into...


  1. Made me smile and chuckle and the imagination. I love mermaids, these were especially beautiful. Summer is a special time for us all.

  2. Stephanie makes a beautiful Mermaid! xxxb

  3. oh she is the cutest mermaid ever
    what a day you all had

  4. Aylard's farm! Love visiting there, even virtually!

  5. what a heart warming post, such a tender age- filled with trust and imagination!

  6. Yes Aylard farm is wonderful anytime of the year!


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