Sunday, August 12, 2012

To market, to market....

Downtown Seattle is perhaps most famous for the community atmosphere
of the Pike Place Public Market...
If you've never been here, you simply must!
If you've been before, you'll come back again!
It's a plethora of colours, sights and sounds.
It's a culinary extravaganza beginning with the famous fish toss at the entrance to the market...
Yes, when a fish is picked out by a customer, no matter how big or slippery,
they toss it from ice to packer and back again to the cheers and
delights of all who are lucky enough to witness this.
A type of synchronized tossing with qualifications of Olympic standards.
Performed with Rachel the big bronze pig watching over...
A place like this just makes you want to take home something and cook a meal...
I LOVE public markets. It's old world and the way we should all be buying our food.
From as close to the growers and producers as possble.
Fresh and local and with a handshake and a smile.
Of course you must bring home some flowers for the table...
 The bouquets here are stunning!
 ...and the ladies are busy all morning creating one after another...
Now that your dinner is under way, next stop is music.
The market has always got a busker or two playing...
This little group is called 'Squirrel Butter'...(playing in front of the original Starbucks!)
Great old time mountain music...we brought home one of their cd's
Pike Place is a great people watching place as well...
There's hand made crafts, antiques, music stores, books, toys and
probably a few things I forgot to mention so get on down to the market.
A feast for the senses.


  1. would love to visit this market, or one like it.

  2. I have to read this again and take it all in. I was only there once and I remember it being a fish throwing good time.
    Love the photos! Your perspective and the faces are wonderful. The one from the floor, with the boots, is great and the last one is wonderful.
    You are such a good photographer.

  3. i miss this part of the west coast (and your island). so your photos help a lot. thank you!

  4. What wonderful photos! So colorful and fascinating. :) (And i love piggie.) When i read your blog, i find i always want to BE where your pics are taken. You tell your stories so brilliantly. Hope you're having a marvelous weekend!

  5. Thanks for including pictures of us in your blog! We love the one of our boots! xo The Gloria Darlings


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