Friday, September 21, 2012

This moment...

A new bit, inspired by Ciara over at Milkmoon
You can join too...a moment from your week.


  1. Ah, of course you know Ciara! That makes sense as soon as I see your lovely blog! Thanks so much for visiting mine, and for your wonderful comment. So glad it brought me here to your place! x Gigi

  2. Beautiful, Kerry! I used to do Wordless Wednesday, but it fell by the wayside. Haven't noticed anyone doing it now. I love the idea of This Moment from round the world. Like joining hands together and sharing a little snippet from our lives. xxx

    Ps. It makes me think of this film, I'm sure you've seen it. <3 <3 <3

  3. Big trees and blue sky. Perfection! :)


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