Thursday, October 4, 2012

2 days...2 rescues...

I'm not sure whats been going on but 2 days in a row I've had to rescue birds
who've flown into windows. Maybe they are a bit tipsy from
all the fermenting fruit they're eating, change in the weather, full moon?
The first was this Thrush who I found on the driveway...
Upon further investigation, I noticed little feathers on the window of my
van and figured she must have flown into that. She was a bit stunned but otherwise seemed o.k.
Her wings and feet were in tact and I figured she just need a 'time out'
after her encounter with the window...a bit of a bang on the old noggin.
I put her in a box with a towel and put her in my studio and took Griff for a walk.
When I came back she was still calmly sitting in there so I took her
out to sit in the sun. As you can see by these photos she was quite
happy just to sit on my finger and chill out for a while...
(made for a nice 'Wordless Wednesday' photo too!)
She didn't seem bothered by Griff either...
After about 15 minutes I held her high up and moved my hand a bit and just like that
she was gone.
This morning I heard a bang outside my bedroom window and found a fox sparrow
on the roof. (no pictures this time)
So I brought him in and kept him inside my sweater for about 20 minutes.
When he started to rustle around a bit I slowly went to hold him so I could see
if he was ready to go and very quickly he flew out of my hand up into the window.
After a quick rescue with ladder and net, I took him outside and off he went
with tales of adventure for the grand birds!
Holding these wild birds is a gift and even more so that they were o.k
 and just a bit stunned for a while.
Sometimes all they need is some warmth and de-stressing...just like us!


  1. The Thrush is a beauty - very different from ours.
    Glad both your rescues were ok - you are very
    kind to look after them.

  2. What a stunningly beautiful bird, and yes, what a blessing to hold such tender beauties in your hands, Kerry. All my years living in the midst of a bird sanctuary, and I've never been so lucky. :-)

  3. What a beautiful bird! And how sweet that he wasn't afraid of Griffin. I adore birds, and all wildlife. I'm so glad, and you are so wonderful to take the time to rescue these two lovely creatures. :)

  4. To my friend, the bird whisperer.
    You have given them respite for a while and given yourself joy.
    Wonderful photos. Amazing that the little bird wasn't afraid of Griff. Do you suppose he is a "whisperer" too?


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