Saturday, May 26, 2012

See what love can do...

You may have read about my daughter and her partners efforts in the
rescue and rehabilitation of two Jack Russell terriers.
(If not, have a look at this post)
'Parker' was the second of the two.
Here he is just after arriving at his new home.
Scared, malnourished, chronic skin disorder, abandoned...
A bit of an ugly little bugger isn't he?
But you know what?
With LOADS of love, the right foods, many trips to the vet for his skin and
just look at him now!!!
 I do believe I see a bit of a smile on him as well...just goes to show you what LOVE can do.
If you live anywhere near Ontario and are thinking of getting a dog, think long and hard
about giving a rescue dog a home. Have a look at the JRTO website here
The rewards are huge for you and the dog.
Now, anyone up for some quiche and escargot?

Friday, May 25, 2012

Song for Friday....old time

Could there be anything better than growing up surrounded by musical talent?
It must be a wonderful house that is full of playing and singing!
Last night we watched a repeat of "Down From The Mountain"
which was a concert featuring music from the film
"Oh Brother Where Art Thou?'
Amongst the many angelic and superb voices are those of the Cox Family.
So enjoy a little old time string music and
have a great weekend all!
It's a sunny day today...YEY!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Tomorrow I'm going to the city to do some poking around in the thrift stores.
I don't think I'll be in the market for these though.

Ad seen on 'Used Victoria'
(an online site  to sell things)

         Antique  Children

I guess these are desperate times!
ciao for now.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

foggy dew...

Yesterday was quiet and still...

The weather was soft and crept over the landscape like a sheet of gauze...
Light rain gave the world depth and muted the sounds all around us...
It brought the deer out of the forest and into the field...
I spotted them first, like ghosts hovering in the wet grass...
...and then they spotted me...
Keeping watch through the mist, and me trying to reassure them with my own stillness...
Until they felt safe and went back to the business of grazing...
I love days like this, the spring rains that keep our landscape green and mossy.
Knowing that in a short time, we'll have our hot, dry days and the deer will
seek the solace of the woods for shade and the comfort of a cool place to lay.
For now, I gaze out as if through squinted eyes, soaking up the
atmosphere of the shroud enclosing me...

Monday, May 21, 2012

House Hunters...

"Well sweetie, how's the nieghbourhood look from there?"
"Looks pretty good, honey...lots of trees, lakes and ponds close by,
I think I could see us living here...have a look at this place..."
"Well, it's got a lovely view, sweetie, but I'm not crazy about the 'open plan' idea...
come and have a look at this cute little place..."
"yeah this could do nicely, honey...let me go up and have a look at the roof..."
"Looks pretty solid...what about the age, honey?"
"oh, you know me, sweetie...I love these old charactor places...come have a look inside..."
"Your'e right, honey, it's really cosy...what about the nieghbours?"
"Well the one over on this side is quite musical..."
"...and the one on the other side is very colourful..."
"what about that furry four legged dude?"
"oh, I think he's really nice, sweetie...he just sit's around and watches stuff.
Once in a while he barks at people coming and going but pretty quiet otherwise.
The only trouble we might have is with the little guy with the white on him..."
"oh, I don't know, honey...he looks alright..."
"Sweetie, don't let that innocent face fool you.
He may be small but I see something in him that may be trouble..."
"Yeah, you may be right, honey, but if we keep to ourselves
and watch the kids closely, I think we could make a go of it..."
"Looks like we found ourselves a summer home then!"
Happy house warming swallows!