Thursday, February 28, 2013

Morning walk...

Yesterday morning we had a reprieve from the soggy skies and, dare
I say it, the sun even tried to come out!
Griffin and I took a walk on the Government Wharf to take advantage
of this and the extra low tides because...well...
you never know what you're going to find.
Down the steep staircase...
The water was very calm...
Not like the day before where we had extreme wind and rain.
The wharf was pretty quiet at this time of day.
Just me and Griff and the Buffleheads...
I love that name!
Looks like these mails are in high demand...go get em girls!
The fishing boats were gearing up to go out on the sea for another long trip...
I was thinking of the 5 fishermen that were lost at sea a week ago off the East Coast
and how this industry is such a fragile and dangerous life.
Griff and I went down under the pier next to see if we could find any treasures...
Sometimes you see things like this after a big storm...
 A big chunk of someones netting anyone?
Free for the taking if it's washed up on the shore!
Ahh, the lovely bones of the alder trees...
Today we didn't find much except for this old bucket...
...and a worn but pretty, old button...
All in all though, a relaxing walk to start the day.


  1. What splendid pictures!! Wow. The bright reds and turquoise really pop against the grayish waters and skies. What a lovely walk you had ...and some interesting finds, too.

  2. oh I love your photos
    what a gorgeous place
    I envy this....just a mere walk away ..the ocean...great shores for hunting....
    ahhhh...maybe someday

  3. What beautiful photos! I love the Buffleheads, and the gem of a little button. I think the whole walk was a treasure. :)

  4. What a beautiful place to walk. I have always longed to live near water, it has such a calming effect. We had a bit of sunshine here yesterday, it makes all the difference.

  5. What a beautiful place for an early walk! Love the moody light too.


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