Sunday, March 3, 2013

24 shades of wool...

I've been looking for a way to store all of my roving since I seem to have acquired
quite a stash over the past 5 years.
Baskets and old suitcases work o.k but eventually it all gets muddled up
and I end up not really being able to see what I've got on hand.
I found one of these Ikea wine racks in the thrift store for $6
and quickly went to work on the transformation.
wine racks
Using some fabric, mod podge glue, a few upholstery staples and some
heavy duty paper, I now have it organized to see at least 24 shades of wool...
All my beck and call...
I still have quite a bit of extra bits of wool and will keep my eye out for another wine rack.
Two of some of my favorite things rolled into one!
Wine rack / Wool rack!


  1. I love it when a good plans come together! It's pretty to see all the colors too! Handy and decorative! YEAH!!!

  2. That is such a great idea and it looks good.

  3. Wow, what a great idea. My wool is in plastic tubs, and it's always too time-consuming to find what I'm looking for. I think you've found a great solution!!


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