Monday, March 18, 2013

A delicate balance...

The other morning the world around here was covered in fine webs.
 Everywhere I looked they were stretched from here to there and back again....
A cats cradle of the finest silk string...
 Nature is always there to remind us...
 ...of the fragility...
 ...the strength...
 ...the pursuit of perfection...
 The need to connect to something solid...
 To anchor ourselves ...
 To find the right zone...
 Sometimes life makes no sense.
 Leaves us incomplete...
 How it can all fall apart in one breath...
 But in the end how beautiful it all is...
 "Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature.
It will never fail you."
Frank Lloyd Wright.


  1. Nature never fails to show us something about life if we really look. You, my dear, have really outdone yourself with this post.
    The photos, the thoughts, the photos, photos, photos... Beautiful and amazing.
    Thank you for "seeing" what the natural world is telling us. Thank you for sharing this with your readers. C.

  2. Your words are the perfect complement to your images.

  3. These webs are remarkable. Stunning!


  4. Such gorgeous photographs and beautiful words. Thank you for noticing and sharing it with us.

  5. These images are wonderful. I'm so surprised you found so many webs to photograph. They are beautiful... and your words remind readers of great truths. Well done.

  6. LOVE! thank you.

  7. Holy how, you got some fantastic shots! Some of those webs are so perfect they look unreal!
    Great post!

  8. Wow. These photos are out of this world, Kerry. My favourite kind of weather, and the joy in being albe to pause and see just what it has brought you. Thank you so much for sharing.

  9. I love all the mistyness and dew laden spider webs.....:))))))


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